2016 December New pool fencing law comes into force on 1 January 2017
2016 December New pool fencing law comes into force on 1 January 2017
In late October the government passed a number of changes that will affect swimming pool fencing. The new measures are contained in the Building (Pools) Amendment Bill. The new laws take effect from 1 January 2017.
The main changes are:
A compulsory nationwide requirement that all swimming pools will need to be inspected and certified every three years
Retailers and manufacturers of swimming pools and spa pools must inform purchasers of their legal obligations for child safety
New enforcement tools will be introduced such as notices to fix and also the issue of infringement notices
Spa pools and hot tubs will no longer be required to be fenced. They will comply with the new law if access is restricted by having a lockable, child-resistant cover and are at least 760mm above ground
The new law also explicitly excludes garden and drainage ponds from having to meet swimming pool fencing requirements
It will no longer be required for a pool to be fenced on all four sides if the access of children is adequately excluded. A cliff face or infinity pool feature where children cannot get access will meet the law. It also allows new technologies to be used to ensure gates and doors prevent access, and
The new measures also enable, as for lifts and other safety requirements, inspections and certification to be carried out by approved, independently-qualified pool inspectors rather than just council officers.