Posted by admin on June 7, 2016
Planning for a new employee isn’t just making sure they have a desk and chair. The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) has compiled a checklist for employers to carry out before your new person starts. Not only does being prepared make your new employee feel more welcome, but it also makes them more efficient from Day One.
- Set up equipment: Have a desk and chair ready, business cards and stationery, telephone, car, toolkit, safety equipment and so on.
- IT: Get passwords and access, as well as an email address, arranged the week before.
- Tell your insurance company: your insurer will want to know you’ve a new employee. It’s all about protecting your business.
- Establish an employee file: This is required by law. Amongst other things it will contain your offer letter, the signed employment agreement, emergency contacts, visa details if relevant, etc
- Payroll: You’ll need their IRD number, KiwiSaver details, bank account number, tax code, etc so you can set up your payroll in *
- Share your company policies: It’s important that your new employee understands your company policies (start and finish times, breaks, annual leave, etc) and adheres to them.
- Health and safety: It’s vital that your new employee is aware of your health and safety practices, understands safety procedures around equipment, knows the evacuation procedures, etc.
- Workplace equipment and tools: Ensure there’s access to the tools and equipment they need to do their job, ensure they have swipe cards and so on.
MBIE’s website is very business-friendly, check it out at